Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Art of Selecting Summer Camps!

To be or Not to be! The latest ongoing topic in our home has been regarding the crucial decisions as to which summer camps will my daughter be attending this year. The criteria, unfortunately is not simply "what will she learn" or "what knowledge will be imparted (no predictions on what will be absorbed, of course), but most importantly the questions which are no less important are " who will drop her off, and (unavoidably), who will pick her up ?" , " Is there after care ?" What happens if we are 15 minutes late ?", " Are there any adult camp counselors or is it mostly CITs ?" and so on . Either ways, we managed to make our enrollments and the following camps were chosen.

There has been an attempt to plan a well balanced variety of activities, but the months to come will speak of how successful each one is. I was oblivious to the "world of camps" until now, and it is amazing how difficult it is to find sites where detailed information about local camps are easily available. In my attempt to document my research in this all important subject, I have listed out her camps as well as their websites for parents looking for more information. I will, in the weeks to come - rate each camp based on our experiences as parents as well as their "fun scale" rating from my daughter.

Drumlin Farms www.massaudubon.org/drumlinfarm

Home Cooking www.littletonrec.com

Chess Camp comed.ab.mec.edu

Club Invention www.invent.org

Discovery Museums discoverymuseums.org

Performing Arts www.littletonrec.com

Museum of Fine Arts www.mfa.org

Sky Hawks All Sports www.skyhawks.com

Little Gym www.tlglittletonma.com